Homeowners: Why Deadbolts are So Important
Deadbolts are standard on most homes throughout not only the Northbrook, IL, area, but also the country. Expert locksmiths recommend that any exterior door lock with a knob lock also be accompanied by a deadbolt for maximum security. But what makes deadbolts so important? And what types of deadbolts are available to have installed? This article aims to give you all the information you need about deadbolts to determine whether you should have your existing deadbolts upgraded or have deadbolts installed as part of your home’s security plan. Information o n Deadbolts What are deadbolts? A deadbolt is an affordable type of lock hardware that provides higher security protection than standard knob locks. The term “deadbolt” refers to a specific lock type. It consists of a steel bolt which when the lock is turned into place is fitted into the door’s jam and strike plate. There is no spring involved. Because the deadbolt...